Claustrophobia Hypnotherapy in Bergen County NJ
Claustrophobia may have developed from a past experience. Often it can be traced to a single event in one’s childhood when you experienced a severely confining situation from which you felt trapped and closed in without an immediate possibility of escape. From then on, having to face similar situations causes severe anxiety and panic, often with a racing heart, sweating, shaking and even fainting.
Claustrophobia is fear and panic of being in a confining situation. This may make you avoid going to concerts, movies, shopping malls, or taking public transportation. Some people even feel claustrophobic in MRI medical scanners and so cannot avail themselves of this medical diagnostic device. Others have to invest a lot of their time climbing stairs to avoid getting inside an elevator. Fortunately, using hypnosis to overcome claustrophobia is available to you with a visit to our hypnosis center. The fact is hypnosis has been shown to be an extremely efficacious modality for ending this life -disrupting problem.
With hypnotherapy, we guide you to make a more rational assessment of the dangers of any of the common activities you had avoided. You will experience a sense of relaxation, safety and calm, with your new outlook on those no longer threatening activities. All the activities that in past filled you with anxiety and fear, and that you sought to avoid, will be yours to enjoy whenever you choose.
Call Bergen County, NJ Advanced Hypnosis Center at 551-252-4904 to schedule a hypnosis for claustrophobia session with either our clinical hypnotist. Let us help you live the full life you always wanted for yourself completely free of your former fears.