Ending Your Gambling Addiction With Hypnosis
quit gambling in NYC with hypnosis
Gambling has serious financial consequences, but it also is often very destructive to your relationships within your social life or with your family. It can lead you to live a life of deceit with others and denial with yourself. Gambling can provide a sense of self-worth when you are winning. And all your past failures, you often feel, will be erased with that one big, winning run you are always seeking.
For others, it is a form of distraction to end boredom and keep you in a high state of thrills and excitement, which may also keep you from thinking about more troubling things going on in your life. Often depressed people may feel lifeless and flat, which is then dealt with with the intense excitement of a few hours of gambling.
An important aspect of gambling is the dynamic of the constant stress and anxiety of losing being pleasurably relieved by a sudden win. The more you lose, the more intense and pleasurable will be that feeling of relief when you do finally win. And it is this feeling of intense pleasure when you win which may play a key role in your seeking out more and more opportunities to gamble.
Hypnotherapy is a key modality for putting an end to your gambling addiction for good. Your hypnotherapist will guide your subconscious to a full understanding of the truly destructive nature of your gambling habit. Instead of seeing thrills and pleasure in it, your subconscious will view gambling as harmful and unappealing, and your subconscious will influence your conscious mind to choose other activities to experience the positive feelings you formally got from your gambling. You will seek out and involve yourself in other, more valuable, positive behaviors that will give you all the positive feelings you formerly were dependent on gambling to experience. You will choose things to do that are more useful, rewarding and entertaining, than your former gambling addiction. Ones that will also provide you with relief from your everyday life of stress if that is what you were seeking by gambling. It may even be a completely new interest, such as a new hobby or participating in a new sport. Our clinical hypnotist will quickly have you free of your former gambling addiction and filled with a new found sense of self-worth and self esteem.
Please call Bergen County, NJ Advanced Hypnosis Center at 551-252-4904 today schedule a hypnosis to stop gambling session and free yourself from the gambling habit.