Fear of Driving in Bergen County NJ
Fear of driving may have developed from being in an accident, seeing a gruesome accident, or even hearing about a terrible accident with the resulting upsetting visualizations. Often this is at a young age when you are unable to balance out the rational probabilities of actually being in an accident, and without fully taking in consideration the steps within your power you can take to avoid being hurt in an accident yourself.
Fear of driving can create very serious limitations in your life. You may not even be able to live where you would want or buy that house in the country you always wanted. If you are away from public transportation, you may become totally dependent on others for transportation to fulfill basic needs such as visiting a store or seeing a doctor. And of course, if it involves getting in a car on your own to go to a restaurant or movie, or to go socialize whenever and with whomever you wish, the loss of freedom can be severe and completely block you from the life you want for yourself.
We will help you conquer your fear of driving through hypnotherapy. Your hypnotist can quickly and easily change the underlying subconscious beliefs upon which this debilitating fear is based. Your subconscious will learn that driving is not as dangerous as you thought, and that you can take measures such as never driving inebriated, driving at safe appropriate speeds, and being conservative in your driving strategies to greatly reduce the chances of ever being in an accident. You will come to realize both consciously and subconsciously that most accidents are the result of individuals not adhering to safe driving principles, something which you can choose to fully adhere to in your own driving, and thus severely limit your chance of being in an accident. You will realize that millions of people drive millions of miles safely every year.
Please call New Jersey’s Advanced Hypnosis Center at 551-252-4904 to schedule a hypnosis for fear of driving session our Bergen County, NJ, hypnotist, to begin your new life of freedom, completely free of your former anxiety.