Hypnosis for Sexual Performance in Bergen County
It’s estimated that 30 million men suffer from erectile dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction can be a common challenge to solve, because it presents itself in so many different ways. People who suffer from it can experience a variety of symptoms – from a decrease in arousal, to the inability to achieve an erection, to pain during intercourse, to the inability to reach orgasm. (According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 5% of 40-year-old men and between 15% and 25% of 65-year-old men experience ED on a long-term basis. {webmd: September 12, 2013} Today, urologists say physical factors underlie perhaps 90% of cases of persistent erectile dysfunction in men older than 50. {WebMD:: August 04,2003}
Psychological factors are responsible for about 10%-20% of all cases of erectile dysfunction. It is often a secondary reaction to an underlying physical cause. However, the most common psychological causes include:
- Stress: Stress can be job-related, money-related, or the result of marital problems, among other factors.
- Depression: A common cause of ED, depression affects a person physically and psychologically. Depression can cause ED even when a man is completely comfortable in sexual situations. Drugs used to treat depression may also cause ED.
- Low self-esteem: This can be due to prior episodes of ED (thus a feeling of inadequacy) or can be the result of other issues unrelated to sexual performance.
- Anxiety: Once a man experiences ED, he may become overly worried that the problem will happen again. This can lead to “performance anxiety,” or a fear of sexual failure, and lead to ED.
If you have been unsuccessful in treating your current sexual dysfunction, the more holistic approach of using hypnotherapy to tap your into your subconscious mind can be of benefit you.
In many cases, an incident in your past is affecting your sex life today. If that’s the case, hypnosis is the best way to conquer this challenge. Your subconscious remembers much more than your conscious mind does. Something that you don’t even consciously remember can be playing a role in your sexual problem. Chances are something in your mind has been anchored as the source of the challenge.
Hypnotherapy educates your subconscious mind to perceive your sex life as more rewarding and to be a positive aspect of your life so you can go into each sexual experience with greater positivity.
To learn more about Clinical Hypnotist, Jeffrey Rose’s approach for a successful session of hypnosis for sexual performance anxiety read the article “I Got Hypnotized to Have Better Sex” from BEST LIFE Magazine
Please call Bergen County’s Advanced Hypnosis Center at 551-252-4904 and schedule a hypnosis for sexual performance session.

To learn more about Clinical Hypnotist, Jeffrey Rose’s approach for a successful session of hypnosis for sexual performance anxiety read the article “I Got Hypnotized to Have Better Sex” from BEST LIFE Magazine.